Friday, March 18, 2011

The Southwood Town Center bustling with activity?!...sounds nice...

To me, Spring is a time for renewal, warmth, and reveling in the great outdoors. Also, I look forward to seeing my neighbors in Southwood come outside and enjoy the beautiful amenities that our neighborhood has to offer such as the pool, green spaces, walking trails, workshops, gatherings, and the town center. I drove past the town center the other day and noticed the place where the CDD has given conditional approval for a Southwood Community Garden. I thought how great would it be to see a new amenity right across from the Town Center that would be a beautiful destination, a place of growth, and...activity! How cool would it be to see some more activity in the Southwood Town Center. How great would it be to grab a cup of coffee and wander around the garden looking at the beautiful plants and maybe relaxing on a bench, enjoying the weather. I was already looking forward to getting my hands dirty growing my own organic veggies and working alongside great people, but thinking of what this garden could do for our neighborhood really gives me something to work for!

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